How To Plan For A Door-To-Door Leaflet Drop
Monday 27th March 2023
If you want to carry out a door-to-door leaflet campaign, it's only worth the investment if it's planned and executed properly. Door-drop marketing campaigns are a highly successful way to reach directly into the homes of your target audience. As a leading design, print and leaflet distribution group, we can handle any aspect of leaflet creation you struggle with. Planning a successful door-to-door leaflet drop means starting in plenty of time. Ideally, you should start at least a couple of months in advance, especially where you require help from your chosen distributor with design and printing. We would always recommend you speak with your leaflet delivery service to discuss a suitable time plan and ensure they can accommodate your needs in…
Why Stopping Marketing Could Affect Your Business?
Friday 3rd March 2023
We get it. In times of financial uncertainty, the marketing budget is often the first place you seek to cut. Yet any savings you make will likely pale into insignificance when you factor in the possible damage to your business. With this in mind, we explain why you should see marketing as an investment, not an expense. Over time, marketing will pay for itself - often multiple times over, if you get it right. Keeping your brand and voice in the public eye will protect and likely increase your sales margins, especially when others around you are fading away, making every penny spent on marketing undoubtedly worthwhile. Brands that increase or maintain their marketing budget will, without a doubt, fare better…
What Do All Successful Leaflet Campaigns Have In Common?
Wednesday 25th January 2023
Have you ever just looked at a leaflet that drops through your door and thought how clever it was and how the message spoke to you? As a leaflet and brochure marketing design and distribution specialist, we can guide you on what companies are doing to achieve that success and the work behind the scenes that goes into a successful leaflet campaign. Here, we look at some of the factors that impact the success of your leafleting campaigns. Consistent leaflet drops To make your business stay at the forefront; consistency is key. We would recommend a minimum of monthly door drops as part of a regular marketing strategy. This gives your audience time to consider and revisit but doesn't let them forget you.…
Are Your Marketing Channels Up-To-Date?
Wednesday 21st December 2022
When you're designing a marketing campaign, it's easy to get lost in how it looks. However, it's vital that you also pay attention to the small details. If you get the small details wrong, this can have a devastating impact on your ROI. Plus, it could mean more than just wasting money. It can damage your reputation and lose you business. The devil is in the detail Here at Plymouth Leaflet Delivery, as experts in leaflet distribution and mail drop campaigns, we have seen the impact errors in small details have on a campaign, and it's not pretty. Whether we design your leaflet or brochure or you design yourself and use our print and distribution services, it's worth spending some time checking all…
How Much Is A Customer Worth?
Friday 2nd December 2022
No business would operate well without a good customer base. However, what a customer is worth to a business can be difficult to measure. Part of determining how much a customer is worth involves taking a close look at how much your business spends to get them onboard. Consider your marketing spend against the value of the customers it gets you. Customer acquisition cost and lifetime value calculations will give you an idea of each new customer's worth against their expected purchases and potential lifetime value. Marketing spend versus new customer value The nature of your business will determine what you should consider a reasonable customer acquisition value, factoring for customer retention rates, how likely they are to make more than one purchase…
Is Gift Marketing A Proven Strategy?
Thursday 27th October 2022
In today's rocky market, it can be really difficult to find a strategy that tempts those looking to save every penny to purchase from even the most well-established company. While you might think that everyone loves a freebie, is gift marketing right for your business? And does it really bring results? The answer is yes, but only if you carefully consider your strategy in order to get the right gift in front of the right customer. Here, we look at some ways in which you could make gift marketing work for you. What should a gift be? Firstly, let's be blunt, there are some really awful promotional gifts on the market these days. Making the selection of what's right for your campaign means…
Using Leaflets To Increase Brand Awareness
Friday 30th September 2022
It can be hard not to think of selling when planning a marketing campaign, yet drawing attention to your branding through repetitive marketing is a great way to get attention. Repeated door drops and leaflet direct mail campaigns landing directly on their doormat will get people thinking of your business, even as they go about their daily life. Isn't advertising all digital these days? TV advertising and social media adverts in a crowded space can easily be missed. Using leaflets and door drop marketing is a highly impactful and undoubtedly cost-effective advertising method that gets directly into the homes of your potential customers. In fact, leaflet drops can be more effective than other advertising mediums. How? Because they land in the heart…
Powerful Tips To Master For Success With Your Leaflet Distribution Campaigns
Thursday 1st September 2022
Leaflet distribution campaigns are the perfect way to get your marketing message across, landing directly on the doormat of homes and businesses. You can hit a wide area or targeted audience with one of the cheapest ways of advertising available. That said, it's crucial to deliver your message clearly and noticeably to your audience, guiding them to react in the way you want them to. Here are our tips to ensure that you achieve success with your leaflet distribution campaigns. Optimise Your Leaflet Design This may seem obvious, but a successful leaflet campaign is about more than just what you put on the page. Where and how you show, the information is just as important. Putting the most critical messages where the…
Forget Everything You Know About Door Drop Marketing
Wednesday 10th August 2022
The internet is now so crowded it can be impossible to get your message to the right people. If you often find yourself getting fed up with the numerous advertisements you see pop up every time you look on the internet, then it's pretty sure your customers are feeling the same. Internet adverts are now so common they are losing their impact or simply getting passed by. Sometimes, they can put people off completely, meaning you may deter potential buyers before they even get to know who you are and what you can do. We're not saying you should stop marketing over the internet, but what about broadening your marketing campaigns over different media to get your business noticed? Door…
How To Use Direct Mail To Boost Sales
Thursday 23rd June 2022
It's hoped that with every direct mail campaign, you boost sales; otherwise, what would be the point? That said, there are some things you should do to encourage potential customers to buy and make it easy for them to do so to increase your chances of success. Why use direct mail? Direct mail is also one of the most cost-effective and lower-cost ways to acquire customers. Your mail packages land directly in the homes, they have to be moved, and more people take notice than email advertising and social media sponsored links. The internet is now so busy with advertising that it is hard to be seen. In fact, digital marketing open rates dropped during 2020 and are expected to continue downwards…
Are Companies Still Using Direct Mail?
Wednesday 25th May 2022
When it comes to marketing your business, many people may ask whether direct mailings are still a relevant option. The short answer is absolutely, yes they are! But why? With so much accessible via the internet, what makes companies still find it beneficial to use direct mail? Here we take a look, at how and why we help our customers use direct mail in the best way to back up their websites, physical and online stores and social media content to drive their business from a doormat. What are the benefits of direct mail? If you're wondering how companies are still benefitting from cost-effective direct mail campaigns, there are various reasons. Just a few benefits of this type of campaign include: • Direct mail connects…
Are You Taking Advantage Of These Creative Opportunities With Door Drops?
Friday 6th May 2022
In it's simplest form, marketing aims to get attention to your brand and entice customers to buy a product or use a service, but some vital creative opportunities can get missed in the rush to reach out to your market. We know that door drops are highly effective at getting attention. Still, there are certainly some added extras to look at that can ensure you really benefit from all of the great results that a door drop leaflet distribution, booklet or brochure mailing can achieve. Here we give away a few of our tips to ensure that the creative opportunities are not lost for each campaign. Door Mat Impact Knowing what to include is not the only thing to worry over. Placement is…